Package | hl7.fhir.uv.crmi |
Type | CapabilityStatement |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 1.1.0-cibuild |
Status | active |
Date | 2025-02-17T19:51:07+00:00 |
Name | CRMIAuthoringArtifactRepository |
Title | CRMI Authoring Artifact Repository |
Experimental | False |
Realm | uv |
Authority | hl7 |
Description | Capability statement for a repository service supporting additional authoring and content workflow capabilities for FHIR-based knowledge artifacts above the basic ShareableArtifactRepository. |
Kind | requirements |
CapabilityStatement | | ![]() | CQF Measures Authoring Measure Repository Capability Statement | ![]() | CQF Measures Authoring Measure Repository Capability Statement |
CapabilityStatement | |
crmi-publishable-artifact-repository ![]() | CRMI Publishable Artifact Repository |
crmi-shareable-artifact-repository ![]() | CRMI Shareable Artifact Repository | ![]() | Canonical Resource Management Infrastructure Implementation Guide | ![]() | CRMI Approve | ![]() | CRMI Draft | ![]() | CRMI Release |
Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source
Generated Narrative: CapabilityStatement crmi-authoring-artifact-repository
, xml
Note to Implementers: FHIR Capabilities
Any FHIR capability may be 'allowed' by the system unless explicitly marked as 'SHALL NOT'. A few items are marked as MAY in the Implementation Guide to highlight their potential relevance to the use case.
This CapabilityStatement imports these CapabilityStatements CRMI Shareable Artifact Repository, CRMI Publishable Artifact Repository
RESTful Authoring Artifact Repository
The summary table lists the resources that are part of this configuration, and for each resource it lists:
Resource Type | Profile | R | S | U | C | D | Searches | _include | _revinclude | Operations |
ActivityDefinition | y | y | y | |||||||
Library | y | y | y | |||||||
Measure | y | y | y | |||||||
PlanDefinition | y | y | y |
Create allows authoring workflows to post new activity definitions in draft (submit) or active (publish) status.
Update allows authoring workflows to update existing activity definitions in draft (revise) status, add comments to existing activity definitions (review and approve), and release or retire an activity definition.
Delete allows authoring workflows to withdraw draft activity definitions or archive retired activity definitions.
Create allows authoring workflows to post new libraries in draft (submit) or active (publish) status.
Update allows authoring workflows to update existing libraries in draft (revise) status, add comments to existing libraries (review and approve), and release or retire a library.
Delete allows authoring workflows to withdraw draft libraries or archive retired libraries.
Create allows authoring workflows to post new measures in draft (submit) or active (publish) status.
Update allows authoring workflows to update existing measures in draft (revise) status, add comments to existing measures (review and approve), and release or retire a measure.
Delete allows authoring workflows to withdraw draft measures or archive retired measures.
Create allows authoring workflows to post new plan definitions in draft (submit) or active (publish) status.
Update allows authoring workflows to update existing plan definitions in draft (revise) status, add comments to existing plan definitions (review and approve), and release or retire a plan definition.
Delete allows authoring workflows to withdraw draft plan definitions or archive retired plan definitions.
"resourceType" : "CapabilityStatement",
"id" : "crmi-authoring-artifact-repository",
"text" : {
"status" : "extensions",
"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: CapabilityStatement crmi-authoring-artifact-repository</b></p><a name=\"crmi-authoring-artifact-repository\"> </a><a name=\"hccrmi-authoring-artifact-repository\"> </a><a name=\"crmi-authoring-artifact-repository-en-US\"> </a><h2 id=\"title\">CRMI Authoring Artifact Repository</h2><ul><li>Implementation Guide Version: 1.1.0-cibuild </li><li>FHIR Version: 4.0.1 </li><li>Supported Formats: <code>json</code>, <code>xml</code></li><li>Supported Patch Formats: </li><li>Published on: 2025-02-17 19:51:07+0000 </li><li>Published by: HL7 International / Clinical Decision Support </li></ul><blockquote class=\"impl-note\"><p><strong>Note to Implementers: FHIR Capabilities</strong></p><p>Any FHIR capability may be 'allowed' by the system unless explicitly marked as 'SHALL NOT'. A few items are marked as MAY in the Implementation Guide to highlight their potential relevance to the use case.</p></blockquote><p>This CapabilityStatement imports these CapabilityStatements <a href=\"CapabilityStatement-crmi-shareable-artifact-repository.html\">CRMI Shareable Artifact Repository</a>, <a href=\"CapabilityStatement-crmi-publishable-artifact-repository.html\">CRMI Publishable Artifact Repository</a></p><h3 id=\"shallIGs\">SHALL Support the Following Implementation Guides</h3><ul><li><a href=\"index.html\"></a></li></ul><h2 id=\"rest\">FHIR RESTful Capabilities</h2><div class=\"panel panel-default\"><div class=\"panel-heading\"><h3 id=\"mode1\" class=\"panel-title\">Mode: <code>server</code></h3></div><div class=\"panel-body\"><div><p>RESTful Authoring Artifact Repository</p>\n</div><div class=\"lead\"><em>Security</em></div><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-lg-6\">Enable CORS: yes</div><div class=\"col-lg-6\">Security services supported: <code>Certificates</code></div></div><div class=\"lead\"><em>Summary of System-wide Interactions</em></div></div></div><h3 id=\"resourcesCap1\">Capabilities by Resource/Profile</h3><h4 id=\"resourcesSummary1\">Summary</h4><p>The summary table lists the resources that are part of this configuration, and for each resource it lists:</p><ul><li>The relevant profiles (if any)</li><li>The interactions supported by each resource (<b><span class=\"bg-info\">R</span></b>ead, <b><span class=\"bg-info\">S</span></b>earch, <b><span class=\"bg-info\">U</span></b>pdate, and <b><span class=\"bg-info\">C</span></b>reate, are always shown, while <b><span class=\"bg-info\">VR</span></b>ead, <b><span class=\"bg-info\">P</span></b>atch, <b><span class=\"bg-info\">D</span></b>elete, <b><span class=\"bg-info\">H</span></b>istory on <b><span class=\"bg-info\">I</span></b>nstance, or <b><span class=\"bg-info\">H</span></b>istory on <b><span class=\"bg-info\">T</span></b>ype are only present if at least one of the resources has support for them.</li><li><span>The required, recommended, and some optional search parameters (if any). </span></li><li>The linked resources enabled for <code>_include</code></li><li>The other resources enabled for <code>_revinclude</code></li><li>The operations on the resource (if any)</li></ul><div class=\"table-responsive\"><table class=\"table table-condensed table-hover\"><thead><tr><th><b>Resource Type</b></th><th><b>Profile</b></th><th class=\"text-center\"><b title=\"GET a resource (read interaction)\">R</b></th><th class=\"text-center\"><b title=\"GET all set of resources of the type (search interaction)\">S</b></th><th class=\"text-center\"><b title=\"PUT a new resource version (update interaction)\">U</b></th><th class=\"text-center\"><b title=\"POST a new resource (create interaction)\">C</b></th><th class=\"text-center\"><b title=\"DELETE a resource (delete interaction)\">D</b></th><th><b title=\"Required and recommended search parameters\">Searches</b></th><th><code><b>_include</b></code></th><th><code><b>_revinclude</b></code></th><th><b>Operations</b></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><a href=\"#ActivityDefinition1-1\">ActivityDefinition</a></td><td>�</td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td><a href=\"#Library1-2\">Library</a></td><td>�</td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td><a href=\"#Measure1-3\">Measure</a></td><td>�</td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td><a href=\"#PlanDefinition1-4\">PlanDefinition</a></td><td>�</td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\"></td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td class=\"text-center\">y</td><td></td><td/><td/><td/></tr></tbody></table></div><hr/><div class=\"panel panel-default\"><div class=\"panel-heading\"><h4 id=\"ActivityDefinition1-1\" class=\"panel-title\"><span style=\"float: right;\">Resource Conformance: SHALL </span>ActivityDefinition</h4></div><div class=\"panel-body\"><div class=\"container\"><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Core FHIR Resource</span><br/><a href=\"\">ActivityDefinition</a></div><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Reference Policy</span><br/></div><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Interaction summary</span><br/><ul><li><strong>SHALL</strong> support <br/><code>create</code><div><p>Create allows authoring workflows to post new activity definitions in <em>draft</em> (<strong>submit</strong>) or <em>active</em> (<strong>publish</strong>) status.</p>\n</div><code>update</code><div><p>Update allows authoring workflows to update existing activity definitions in <em>draft</em> (<strong>revise</strong>) status, add comments to existing activity definitions (<strong>review</strong> and <strong>approve</strong>), and <strong>release</strong> or <strong>retire</strong> an activity definition.</p>\n</div><code>delete</code><div><p>Delete allows authoring workflows to <strong>withdraw</strong> <em>draft</em> activity definitions or <strong>archive</strong> <em>retired</em> activity definitions.</p>\n</div></li></ul></div></div><p/><p/></div></div></div><div class=\"panel panel-default\"><div class=\"panel-heading\"><h4 id=\"Library1-2\" class=\"panel-title\"><span style=\"float: right;\">Resource Conformance: SHALL </span>Library</h4></div><div class=\"panel-body\"><div class=\"container\"><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Core FHIR Resource</span><br/><a href=\"\">Library</a></div><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Reference Policy</span><br/></div><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Interaction summary</span><br/><ul><li><strong>SHALL</strong> support <br/><code>create</code><div><p>Create allows authoring workflows to post new libraries in <em>draft</em> (<strong>submit</strong>) or <em>active</em> (<strong>publish</strong>) status.</p>\n</div><code>update</code><div><p>Update allows authoring workflows to update existing libraries in <em>draft</em> (<strong>revise</strong>) status, add comments to existing libraries (<strong>review</strong> and <strong>approve</strong>), and <strong>release</strong> or <strong>retire</strong> a library.</p>\n</div><code>delete</code><div><p>Delete allows authoring workflows to <strong>withdraw</strong> <em>draft</em> libraries or <strong>archive</strong> <em>retired</em> libraries.</p>\n</div></li></ul></div></div><p/><p/></div></div></div><div class=\"panel panel-default\"><div class=\"panel-heading\"><h4 id=\"Measure1-3\" class=\"panel-title\"><span style=\"float: right;\">Resource Conformance: SHALL </span>Measure</h4></div><div class=\"panel-body\"><div class=\"container\"><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Core FHIR Resource</span><br/><a href=\"\">Measure</a></div><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Reference Policy</span><br/></div><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Interaction summary</span><br/><ul><li><strong>SHALL</strong> support <br/><code>create</code><div><p>Create allows authoring workflows to post new measures in <em>draft</em> (<strong>submit</strong>) or <em>active</em> (<strong>publish</strong>) status.</p>\n</div><code>update</code><div><p>Update allows authoring workflows to update existing measures in <em>draft</em> (<strong>revise</strong>) status, add comments to existing measures (<strong>review</strong> and <strong>approve</strong>), and <strong>release</strong> or <strong>retire</strong> a measure.</p>\n</div><code>delete</code><div><p>Delete allows authoring workflows to <strong>withdraw</strong> <em>draft</em> measures or <strong>archive</strong> <em>retired</em> measures.</p>\n</div></li></ul></div></div><p/><p/></div></div></div><div class=\"panel panel-default\"><div class=\"panel-heading\"><h4 id=\"PlanDefinition1-4\" class=\"panel-title\"><span style=\"float: right;\">Resource Conformance: SHALL </span>PlanDefinition</h4></div><div class=\"panel-body\"><div class=\"container\"><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Core FHIR Resource</span><br/><a href=\"\">PlanDefinition</a></div><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Reference Policy</span><br/></div><div class=\"col-lg-4\"><span class=\"lead\">Interaction summary</span><br/><ul><li><strong>SHALL</strong> support <br/><code>create</code><div><p>Create allows authoring workflows to post new plan definitions in <em>draft</em> (<strong>submit</strong>) or <em>active</em> (<strong>publish</strong>) status.</p>\n</div><code>update</code><div><p>Update allows authoring workflows to update existing plan definitions in <em>draft</em> (<strong>revise</strong>) status, add comments to existing plan definitions (<strong>review</strong> and <strong>approve</strong>), and <strong>release</strong> or <strong>retire</strong> a plan definition.</p>\n</div><code>delete</code><div><p>Delete allows authoring workflows to <strong>withdraw</strong> <em>draft</em> plan definitions or <strong>archive</strong> <em>retired</em> plan definitions.</p>\n</div></li></ul></div></div><p/><p/></div></div></div><h3 id=\"operationsCap1\">Operations</h3><h4 id=\"operationsSummary1\">Use</h4></div>"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "cds"
"url" : "",
"version" : "1.1.0-cibuild",
"name" : "CRMIAuthoringArtifactRepository",
"title" : "CRMI Authoring Artifact Repository",
"status" : "active",
"experimental" : false,
"date" : "2025-02-17T19:51:07+00:00",
"publisher" : "HL7 International / Clinical Decision Support",
"contact" : [
"telecom" : [
"system" : "url",
"value" : ""
"description" : "Capability statement for a repository service supporting additional authoring and content workflow capabilities for FHIR-based knowledge artifacts above the basic ShareableArtifactRepository.",
"jurisdiction" : [
"coding" : [
"system" : "",
"code" : "001",
"display" : "World"
"kind" : "requirements",
"imports" : [
"fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
"format" : [
"implementationGuide" : [
"rest" : [
"mode" : "server",
"documentation" : "RESTful Authoring Artifact Repository",
"security" : {
"cors" : true,
"service" : [
"coding" : [
"system" : "",
"code" : "Certificates"
"resource" : [
"type" : "ActivityDefinition",
"interaction" : [
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "create",
"documentation" : "Create allows authoring workflows to post new activity definitions in _draft_ (**submit**) or _active_ (**publish**) status."
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "update",
"documentation" : "Update allows authoring workflows to update existing activity definitions in _draft_ (**revise**) status, add comments to existing activity definitions (**review** and **approve**), and **release** or **retire** an activity definition."
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "delete",
"documentation" : "Delete allows authoring workflows to **withdraw** _draft_ activity definitions or **archive** _retired_ activity definitions."
"type" : "Library",
"interaction" : [
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "create",
"documentation" : "Create allows authoring workflows to post new libraries in _draft_ (**submit**) or _active_ (**publish**) status."
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "update",
"documentation" : "Update allows authoring workflows to update existing libraries in _draft_ (**revise**) status, add comments to existing libraries (**review** and **approve**), and **release** or **retire** a library."
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "delete",
"documentation" : "Delete allows authoring workflows to **withdraw** _draft_ libraries or **archive** _retired_ libraries."
"type" : "Measure",
"interaction" : [
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "create",
"documentation" : "Create allows authoring workflows to post new measures in _draft_ (**submit**) or _active_ (**publish**) status."
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "update",
"documentation" : "Update allows authoring workflows to update existing measures in _draft_ (**revise**) status, add comments to existing measures (**review** and **approve**), and **release** or **retire** a measure."
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "delete",
"documentation" : "Delete allows authoring workflows to **withdraw** _draft_ measures or **archive** _retired_ measures."
"type" : "PlanDefinition",
"interaction" : [
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "create",
"documentation" : "Create allows authoring workflows to post new plan definitions in _draft_ (**submit**) or _active_ (**publish**) status."
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "update",
"documentation" : "Update allows authoring workflows to update existing plan definitions in _draft_ (**revise**) status, add comments to existing plan definitions (**review** and **approve**), and **release** or **retire** a plan definition."
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"code" : "delete",
"documentation" : "Delete allows authoring workflows to **withdraw** _draft_ plan definitions or **archive** _retired_ plan definitions."
"operation" : [
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"name" : "approve",
"definition" : ""
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"name" : "draft",
"definition" : ""
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCode" : "SHALL"
"name" : "release",
"definition" : ""
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.